I remember 3 am
People in a daze
Spilling out into the streets
I remember 3 am
The feel of this city
As it passed beneath my feet
I remember 3 am
The moon was shining faintly
Through a dark, dark haze of clouds
I remember 3 am
Liberated out from
All the push of the crowds
I feel the pull from your eyes
Each step shows that we’re alive
I watch the shadows with you near
Maybe we should stop right here
Should we be left alone?
Is this wise, out on our own?
Still we dare to speak aloud
Should we go rejoin the crowd?
I remember 3 am
Ears are ringing
Eyes are burning
Thoroughly awake
I remember 3 am
Lonely cars passing
In the light, late night rain
I remember 3 am
Streetlights shining orange
Over concrete building walls
I remember 3 am
Sounds of taxis
Sounds of rain and lovelorn calls
I feel the pull from your eyes
Each step shows that we’re alive
I watch the shadows with you near
Maybe we should stop right here
We found ourselves alone
Is it wise, who could have known?
We slide as one in the night
Here together until first light
I remember 3 am
Fingers touching
Hands are clasping
As we move along
I remember 3 am
The rush of the moment
And the thrill of the song
I remember 3 am
Footsteps come together
It’s just like we belong
I remember 3 am
Chances taken slowly
Play like rightest wrongs
I remember 3 am
You and I together
In a city we didn’t know
I remember 3 am
My arm around your shoulder
In the city’s ebb and flow
I remember 3 am
Walking home with you
Made a lovely memory
I remember 3 am
I wouldn’t trade that night
For anything
EO – I wrote the framework of this one to evoke that feeling of stumbling out of a club or a bar or whatnot in the wee hours, that half-dazed, half-giddy feeling. It was partially inspired by walking back to our hotel from Fabric with my then-girlfriend (now wife) on a trip to London. The tubes had stopped running, I hadn’t bothered with a bus map, and we weren’t too far away, so we decided to walk. And this is pretty much what it was like.
Of course, not being a great lyricist I had to get Eric G to fill in a lot of the gaps, write a chorus, structure things properly, fix awkward word choices, etc.