Slow progress

Well, we’re in the back stretch. I recorded the final vocal take for “Prevailing Winds” on friday, and spent the majority of the eveing doing things like adjusting snare-drum volumes on “Walk in London”, tweaking deff velocities for “Sevgilim”, checking vocal levels on two or three tracks, making sure I …

tweak tweak tweak

Every album has a track that just takes forever and overwhelms the hell out of me. On “Crimson” it was “Stoplights” – the whole thing was me doing weird one-shot sound programming and I wasn’t sure it’d all fit together until the very end. On “Sublimation” it was “Fly Skyward” …

Album progress, 7/29/03

Amidst the live shows, a few remixes, the re-engineering of the studio, and this pesky day job, work on “A Million Different Moments” proceeds apace. We’re close now – just a few more tweaks and we’re ready to go. We’re at the point where we’re picking people to do the …