State of The Device, 10/21

Oh, right, the blogosphere beckons again. I’ve been alternating bouts of extreme productivity with bouts of severe writers block, often several in a week. This has led to more schizophrenic Null Device songriting. Somehow, though, in the end it’ll all hang together. So what’ve we got so far? Well… A …

The doings and goings on

Hola amigos, been a while since I rapped at ya. Seriously through, I’ve been busy. Null Device things, non-null-device things, it’s been crazy. A few things that’ve been accomplished on the ND front, though: Studio upgrades! New computer, new master keyboard, software upgrades. You can already har the difference in …

The London EP – The Isthmus

Al RitchieAn addendum to the Madison elctronauts' impressive sophmore CD, A Million Different Moments, this burn-your-own EP offers smart reconstructions of three album originals, including an expertly textured swoon-dance mix by Texas synthpop maves Iris. Null Device's obsessive love of bhangra rhythms is emphasized – alongside some lovely synth patches …