The Matrix, Reloaded.

After futzing with a MiniMoog for a few days, I started thinking to myself “you know, I should really get myself an analog synth. Just to play with.” Then it occurred to me that I already have an analog synth, just to play with, that I never use. About a …

Me vs. LANDR

LANDR, an online automatic mastering service, just announced a major upgrade to their service.  Their claim is that it provides “more focus, color and dynamics” and “rivals professional engineers.” That’s a bold claim.  A claim that cannot go unchallenged. Brian Hazard of Resonance Mastering already did a pretty in-depth comparison …

Gearfest 2015

Another year, another trip to Sweetwater’s GearFest in the sweltering Indiana sun.  This year I guess they had nearly as many attendees as Summer NAMM, which is fairly impressive.  Especially considering the frequent and unpredictable massive downpours that would occasionally shutter the gear tents and send attendees running for shelter. …

Audio Misogyny

sE Electronics, a maker of some often nice audio products, recently put an ad in Sound On Sound magazine for their new low-end condenser mic, the “Magneto.” Nothing too unusual about that. What was unusual was that the ad featured the torso of a nude woman, with the text of …

Gearfest 2014

Dan and I have this down to a science, I think.  As a result, Gearfest is a lot more relaxed each year compared to previous; we have a groove of knowing when to go demo gear and collect vendor swag, knowing which presentations and panels are going to be useful, …