Approaching Perihelion

Our fifth –  FIFTH!  – full-length album, Perihelion, is being mastered and will soon be a few shiny new discs and a bunch of shiny new digital formats.  It’s been a long walk to get here.  Since Suspending Belief, there’ve been sad departures by band members, weddings, babies, and general “life” type …

Gearfest 2013

Dan and I schlepped down to scenic Fort Wayne, Indiana this past weekend to attend Sweetwater Gearfest.  It’s our third trip, and it’s always a good time.  Basically, mega-music-gear retailer Sweetwater (which, we discovered is now the 5th largest in the world) turns over their buildings and parking lots into …

Oklahoma Benefit Compilation

Null Device is honored to be contributing the track “Starfall” to the compilation “Devastation Rose: Celebrating The Hearts of Oklahoma”, a benefit for the victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes. The comp features tracks by Attrition, Diane Arkenstone, Venn Diagram, Numina, Stereospread and many, many others. It should be available soon. …